The high school program requirements include:

  • Weekly meetings with Science Bound teachers
  • 3 visits to Iowa State University
  • Maintaining a grade point average of 3.0 or higher
  • Presenting a successful oral justification yearly
  • Participating in 40 hours of summer academic career experiences

9th-11th Grade

If space is available, some students are invited to participate in Science Bound in the first semester of their freshman year of high school. Des Moines Scholars entering the 9th grade are required to attend Learn & Earn, and it is also offered as a summer experience for 10th and 11th graders. High school scholars also conduct ASTEM career exploration or Science Fair project to hone their professional interests and develop as leaders.

High School Seniors

During the senior year, students and families participate in Countdown to College

Countdown to College (C2C) was developed to help scholars and their families make the transition from high school to college. This program steps families through the process, in addition to bringing many of Iowa State’s resources directly to them. C2C is a requirement for all senior Science Bound scholars.